Wikipedia shows that in 1590 Jesuit Francisco Ribera taught futurism, which was the interpretation of Bible prophecy that turned the Protestant Reformers’ accusation of the papal dynasty as the biblical Daniel 8:10-25/Daniel 11:21-45 man of sin into an individual who would appear and seek to overthrow the truth in the earth. He taught that Jesus would return 45 days before the end of a 3 1/2 year tribulation.
Wikipedia article,
In order to remove the papacy of the Catholic Church from consideration as the Antichrist (as an act of countering the Protestant Reformation)[citation needed], Ribera began writing a lengthy (500 page) commentary in 1585 on the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) titled In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentarij, proposing that the first few chapters of the Apocalypse apply to ancient pagan Rome, and the rest he limited to a yet future period of 3½ literal years, immediately prior to the second coming. During that time, the Roman Catholic Church would have fallen away from the pope into apostasy because of the Reformation cry stating that "the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist." (Martin Luther, Aug. 18, 1520). Then, he proposed, the Antichrist, a single individual, would:
- Persecute and blaspheme the saints of God
- Rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
- Abolish the Christian religion
- Deny Jesus Christ
- Destroy Rome
- Be received by the Jews
- Pretend to be God
- Kill the two witnesses of God
- Conquer the world.
To accomplish this, Ribera proposed that the 1260 days and 42 months and 3½ times of prophecy were not 1260 years as based on the year-day principle (Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6), but a literal 3½ years, hence preventing the arrival of the deduction of (i) the 1260 years.
Jesuit priest Ribera’s interpretation used biblical time prophecy literally rather than symbolically, which is the way the rest of Daniel and Revelation present the repeated 1,260 day, 42 month, and the time (year), times (2 years), and half a time prophecy (6 month). By interpreting literally, Francisco Ribera destroyed the correct understanding of the prophecy’s many centuries long time-frame, and pointed the Lord’s warning away from the Roman Papacy, the real enemy of God, to a fictitious person who would appear far in the Church’s distant future.
Nevertheless, it is my opinion--my opinion--that because Jesuit Ribera's Pre-trib Secret Rapture scenario has survived almost 430 years, and that throughout the centuries the Jesuits have developed this falsehood further than its original form, that there is no reason to assume that they will not use it. Keep in mind that Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defined the work of Jesuits thus:
JESUITISM, n. The arts, principles and practices of the Jesuits.
1. Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose.
And that purpose is the reason that the Jesuit order exists: the return of Protestant Americans to Mother Church, and the utter extermination of Protestant America and Protestantism, its biblical doctrines and its United States Constitution.
This Pre-Trib Secret Rapture can as easily be accomplished, as was Orson Welles’ 1938 Radio Broadcast, which created a panic from many of the estimated 32 million radio listeners. Today, 4 billion of the 7.6 billion people on earth use the internet, which is owned by the same power that controls the rest of the media--the Jesuit order. Millions of Christians around the globe are already taken by the Pre-Trib Secret Rapture deception. A hoax and panic on an unprecedented scale could very easily be accomplished with so many waiting on bated breath for the Rapture, the scenario of which includes no signs leading up to it. All the signs that Jesus left us to know of His Advent the Jesuits have stolen from the people of the Book, and have redirected to occur after the Secret Rapture that is an invisible event. With no signs of an expected invisible event, it won’t take much to grab the fear of expectant multitudes of the Evangelical masses.
But, even though my scenario is only conjectural, please remember that today’s delusions are real and that the unbiblical Pre-Trib Secret Rapture hoax will happen with some power and glory, though not to the infinite magnitude of our Creator’s return. His biblical return will come as "sudden destruction" (1Thess. 5:3, cf Isa. 13:5-13; Rev. 19:11-17; Rev. 16:12) to a deluded Evangelical church, the day of which will "overtake you as a thief" (1Thess. 5:4). Satan has designed the Pre-Trib Secret Rapture eschatology to lead billions to be taken by his impersonation of Christ when, with his shining angels 7 years after the invisible Secret Rapture fraud, he descends and announces his long advertised millennium of peace on Earth.
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thess. 2:9-12).
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President seen as great world leader. Later, he is seen as a cause of world market plunge, and as the Antichrist. Protestant Americans are aghast, especially Republican Evangelicals because they were expecting a Russian or U.N. Antichrist.
President plays part of a self-promoting Protestant dictator.
President remains in office for indefinite presidency.
Amongst the political and social upheaval, the Latter Rain comes to those who have been sighing and repenting, who are sanctified by the Early Rain’s gospel of justification by faith and sanctification by faith and who were working in cooperation with Jesus for the salvation of others.
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come--the abomination of desolation. Republican dictator turns war effort against the Latter Rain gospel workers.
Faction of Catholic presidential contender clashes with the Protestant Antichrist. She defeats him and wins favor as New World/ American savior.
Catholic Democrat President swept into Oval Office to destroy wayward Protestant Republicanism.
She exalts the Vatican, which gave her the victory over the Protestant Antichrist.
By legislation, Pope and new Catholic President require the abomination of desolation Spiritual Formation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, to be practiced weekly.
8th Beast goes into perdition/ total delusion. Papal popularity reaches cosmic heights (Dan. 8:10; Rev. 13:12). America and world populations follow after the Vatican Beast and are cut off from the great Judge of all the earth and His Intercessor.
God’s Protestant and Adventist peoples, and a great multitude sprinkled around the world, are sealed and ready for Jesus’ return. Their sins are blotted out and they are prepared for the final troubles.
Heavenly temple cleansed.
Great tribulation such as never was.
Jacob’s troubles.
World delights in Satan as their messiah. All the world worships their messiah, the Vatican Beast, and Democratic Christian America. |
Secret rapture dismal disappointment for Evangelical Christians.
First 3 ½ years for left behind people (which is everyone).
Antichrist unmasked.
Second 3 ½ years of tribulation for deceived and desperate left behind people. This is a ploy by the Jesuits to later swing America into a Democratic form of a totalitarian government to destroy Protestant Republicanism by a new president. She will be praised for her work in women’s liberation. Her publicity from previous political endeavors will give her instant backing in 20__.
Satan impersonates Christ’s 2nd coming.
Jesus is on the way
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