Monday, March 12, 2018

Reaching across the abyss

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2Thess. 2:8-12).

For some time now I have felt impressed to merge the last day events, which Jesus gave us through Ellen White, with the seven year Pre-tribulation Secret Rapture scenario. This may sound like mixing apples and oranges, and some may even call it eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But, here is my rationale for doing this.

In 1590 a brilliant Jesuit doctor of theology, Francisco Ribera, wrote a thesis on Revelation that would move all biblical prophecy into the future. He thus redirected the focus of Revelation’s Anti-christ away from the Roman Catholic papacy and placed that focus on a single male, “the man of sin”. The papacy would no longer be Satan’s number one earthly agency. The Church would be saved from the wound inflicted by the Protestant sword, the Bible.

In his thesis Francisco Ribera had to manipulate Bible prophecy, cutting off the last prophetic week of the 70 week messianic prophecy that pointed to the year of Christ’s first coming to begin His ministry to redeem the family of Adam. That last prophetic week of seven literal years Mr. Ribera then applied to the very end of time before Christ’s second coming. Thus was born the theory of a last day seven year tribulation period. It required complete dishonesty with the very Word of God. He fulfilled a condemnation that was first laid against the apostate Jews of Paul’s day. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.” (Rom. 1:18). And over time the Jesuits, “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness” (2Thess. 2:10), have successfully convinced almost the whole of Protestantism to believe the unbiblical secret rapture interpretation of Revelation, this masterpiece of deception. It is an interpretation that the Reformation fathers never knew and would have vigorously opposed.

Please consider this, if Satan has invested so much time and energy and success into this falsification of the Bible, why would he not use this falsehood in the end? Is there any question that we are at the end? There shouldn’t be. How many more bombings and shootings and other organized acts of systematic dismemberment of constitutional government do we need to be convinced that the end has come? The Protestant churches have officially clasped hands with the Roman papacy. The next day the victory was celebrated with terrorism in New York City.

“In the movements now in progress in the United States to secure for the institutions and usages of the church the support of the state, Protestants are following in the steps of papists. Nay, more, they are opening the door for the papacy to regain in Protestant America the supremacy which she has lost in the Old World.” Great Controversy, p. 573.

“Charles Beecher, in a sermon in the year 1846, declared that the ministry of ‘the evangelical Protestant denominations’ is ‘not only formed all the way up under a tremendous pressure of merely human fear, but they live, and move, and breathe in a state of things radically corrupt, and appealing every hour to every baser element of their nature to hush up the truth, and bow the knee to the power of apostasy. Was not this the way things went with Rome? Are we not living her life over again? And what do we see just ahead?  Another general council! A world's convention! Evangelical alliance, and universal creed!’--Sermon on ‘The Bible a Sufficient Creed,’ delivered at Fort Wayne, Indiana, Feb. 22, 1846. When this shall be gained, then, in the effort to secure complete uniformity, it will be only a step to the resort to force.  
     When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result.” Ibid., p. 444,445.

“Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience.  
     As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light. Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power.  
     The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and are ready to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium.  
     Through spiritualism, Satan appears as a benefactor of the race, healing the diseases of the people, and professing to present a new and more exalted system of religious faith; but at the same time he works as a destroyer. His temptations are leading multitudes to ruin. Intemperance dethrones reason; sensual indulgence, strife, and bloodshed follow. Satan delights in war, for it excites the worst passions of the soul and then sweeps into eternity its victims steeped in vice and blood. It is his object to incite the nations to war against one another, for he can thus divert the minds of the people from the work of preparation to stand in the day of God.  
     Satan works through the elements also to garner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has studied the secrets of the laboratories of nature, and he uses all his power to control the elements as far as God allows. When he was suffered to afflict Job, how quickly flocks and herds, servants, houses, children, were swept away, one trouble succeeding another as in a moment. It is God that shields His creatures and hedges them in from the power of the destroyer. But the Christian world have shown contempt for the law of Jehovah; and the Lord will do just what He has declared that He would--He will withdraw His blessings from the earth and remove His protecting care from those who are rebelling against His law and teaching and forcing others to do the same. Satan has control of all whom God does not especially guard. He will favor and prosper some in order to further his own designs, and he will bring trouble upon others and lead men to believe that it is God who is afflicting them.
     While appearing to the children of men as a great physician who can heal all their maladies, he will bring disease and disaster, until populous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. Even now he is at work. In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power. He sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and distress follow. He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are to become more and more frequent and disastrous. Destruction will be upon both man and beast. ‘The earth mourneth and fadeth away,’ ‘the haughty people . . . do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.’ Isaiah 24:4, 5.” Ibid., p. 588,589.

A few days ago, on Halloween, when all the secular Americans were delighting in practicing a benign pagan holiday and the religious Americans were delighting in the hope of a brighter future for a united Christianity, the Protestant churches officially clasped hands with the Roman power. The denominations sold their Reformation birthright and turned back to perdition like a dog turning back to its vomit. They apologized for all the tens of millions of deaths they caused by the martyrs who stood for the Bible. They accepted all the blame for modern fanatics, like Jim Jones and the like, who recklessly led multitudes into their temporal and eternal destruction. The Protestant Evangelicals sought the pope’s pardon for all the trouble they caused the “Holy Father”. The next day the fireworks in New York City indicate what the Vatican’s Jesuit have planned for the world. Those devious terrorists of all terrorism will quickly bring Protestant America to its knees, secular and religious Americans, groveling begging for the pope to pray to Mary for another year of mercy. The Protestant baton has just passed into Catholic hands. Protestantism has fallen, has fallen. The world, which God has protected from satanic despotism for over 200 years through Protestantism, has fallen back into the power of Satan.

All that we have read about in the Spirit of Prophecy has proven itself trustworthy, whether it were doctrine, counsels on health and diet, counsels for the church and the family, warnings of the deceptions of Satan, etc. Despite the furious attacks against her, all of Ellen White’s writings have demonstrated their credibility. All have shown that the Spirit of Prophecy speaks the truth of God’s word. All have brought out of the scriptures what we were incapable of discerning for ourselves. The balanced view of eternal realities that Mrs. White promulgated has had its influence for good upon the world, and has spared the Advent movement from fanaticism.

I am not seditious against my country. I am not politically opposed to our president. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of spiritual wickedness in high places. I am not attempting a coupe. But, the direction that this nation has been going for the past 150 years points to its ultimate union with the Church of Rome for her final conquest of the world for Satan. She has always used a secular (vulgar) nation to cause her domination over the world. 70 years ago the conquest was attempted by Adolph Hitler, but Providence kept to His prophetic plan of Protestant America being the world power to reinstate the papacy, in accordance with Revelation 13:11-17. I have nothing personally against our current president, but I do have much against the foreign power of Rome to install her men into the highest office of this once free Protestant nation and its once fair government. I love my country, that is, I love the country that we started out to be. The Lord of hosts fought for our behalf during the Revolutionary War and in the War of 1812. Now He is fighting against us. We abandoned His Reformation covenant. We abandoned His holy Book. We abandoned faith in Him, opting for faith in man. There is nothing left He can do with Protestant America. Plus, it is time for the great controversy to end. As of Halloween the final showdown has begun.

We will all be participants. None of us will be a spectator. Time will soon tell who fortified his mind with the words of scripture. The great Judge of all the earth will force everyone to choose between being an oppressor or being the oppressed, a persecutor or the persecuted. There will no longer be a fence to sit on. The Protestant-Roman clasping of hands has finalized our sale to the enemy of souls. We have tied the Lord’s hands in this world’s soon destruction. But, there will be a greater glory ahead for all who will patiently endure the final trials. And we have Jesus’ promises, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Jesus told us that the end had to come sooner or later. Why not sooner than later? There is nothing to fear for those who have established a valid relationship with the mighty Cleaver of truth and the mighty Comforter of hearts. Jesus will hold our hand and guide us through the final stages of Earth’s history. Jesus gave us these exceeding great and precious promises, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” (Isa. 45:7).

“But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and He that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine.
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
Since thou wast precious in My sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.” (Isa. 43:1-4). “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.” (Ps. 23:4).

So, whether or not you agree with me, I have put together a scenario of what Jesus has told us what to expect, through the writings of Ellen White, and I have fused it with the seven year rapture theory. The dates are all speculative and should not be bet on. Please don’t make that mistake. Cursed is the man who trusts in man (in this case, me). Date-setting is never right. I have simply used my own personal input based on what I’ve been seeing in the world over the years. Forgive me if it seems I’ve gone too far in choosing exact days for the major events, but those dates seemed logical to me. You can do what you want with the dates, but what I am encouraging you to do is to consider the overall seven year Secret Rapture construct and its tribulation that follows, known as the Pre-trib Secret Rapture. Be cautious with what I have put together. Be suspicious. Be discerning. I’m not betting on the dates. But, I can’t get away from the thought that Satan will use this secret rapture deception as the framework of his final masterpiece of delusion. Somehow the devil must use the seven year period for sweeping the whole world into his spiritualism. I’m only offering this post as an option to expect and to look for in the closing days, if in fact the seven year Pre-trib Rapture scenario is implemented.

I have used two major pagan holidays that come down from time immemorial, the spring and autumn equinoxes, i.e. respectively, Easter (the worship of life and the living), and All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween (the worship of death and the dead). Two versions of this end-time table come from using either of the two major spiritualistic festivals to begin the seven year framework, to form the mid-point of the period, and finally the framework’s end-point.

First version of final events using as a framework the deceptive, unbiblical seven year rapture/tribulation scenario. The Easter and Halloween dates are interchanged between each version.
President’s 1st administration, seen as great American leader

Halloween Secret Rapture Fraud a dismal disappointment for everyone (everybody is left behind)--first 3 1/2 years for left behind people
President reelected. See as greatest world leader, later he is seen as a cause of world market plunge.

President acts part as Anti-christ demonic dictator. Evangelical half of America aghast with horror
Easter Anti-christ unmasks himself as the devil incarnate, per Secret Rapture/Pre-trib scenario

President self-elected, remaining in office acting as a dictator

Halloween Satan impersonates Christ’s appearing, per Secret Rapture/Pre-trib scenario
Presidential contender Catholic-convert and Evangelical faction fight with Protestant dictator to take White House for the Vatican. Madam President wins favor as New World/American saviour. 
Together, the religio-political pope, and presidential competitor use super-human strength through “the Spirit” to overcome Anti-christ in order to rid the world of all political dissident and to stop the remnant 144,000 Protestants and Adventists who are calling God’s people out of Babylon.
Madam President wins fight, swept into office.

Christ returns in power and great glory to destroy this wicked worldnot per Secret Rapture/Pre-trib scenario

The false “Christ”, the Vatican Beast, the Evangelical false prophet destroyed by the brightness of His coming. Earth and the works therein are burned up with fervent heat (2Pet. 3:10,11), per the biblical return of Jesus who will receive us to Himself in the air, and so shall we ever be with Him (John 14:1-3).

Second version of final events using as a framework the same deceptive, unbiblical seven year rapture/tribulation scenario. The Easter and Halloween dates interchanged from first version.
President’s 1st administration seen as great American leader

Easter Secret Rapture Fraud fraud a disappointment of great foreboding for everyone (all must face tribulation)--first 3 1/2 years for left behind people
President reelected. Seen as greatest world leader, later he is seen as a cause of world market plunge.

President acts part as Anti-christ demonic dictator. Evangelical half of population aghast with horror
Halloween Anti-christ unmasks himself as the devil incarnate, per Secret Rapture/Pre-trib scenario

President self-elected, remaining in office acting as a dictator

Easter Satan impersonates Christ’s appearing, per Secret Rapture/Pre-trib scenario
Presidential contender, Catholic convert, and Evangelical faction fight to take White House for the Vatican.

Together, the religio-political pope, and presidential competitor use super-human strength through “the Spirit” to overcome Anti-christ in order to rid the world of all political dissident and to stop the remnant 144,000 Protestants and Adventists who are calling God’s people out of Babylon.
New president wins and is swept into office, exalts the Vatican, which gave her the victory over the Protestant Anti-christ. Pope and Catholic President place the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel. Papal popularity reaches cosmic proportions (Dan. 8:10). World populations follow after the Beast saying, “Who is like the Beast? Who can make war with him.”

Christ returns in power and great glory to destroy this wicked world (not per Secret Rapture/Pre-trib scenario).

The false “Christ”, the Vatican Beast, the Evangelical false prophet destroyed by the brightness of His coming. Earth and the works therein are burned up with fervent heat (2Pet. 3:10,11), per the biblical return of Jesus who will receive us to Himself in the air, and so shall we ever be with Him (John 14:1-3).

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