The Nazi invasion of the world was not just another war. And the chaos of genocide that encircled the globe was not a world hating itself. It was a war of Satan and his human hosts making war upon the rest of humanity that wasn’t so fully possessed by him. WWII was the Vatican’s major push to set the stage for its eventual take-over for a new world order, which we now are witnessing in its final movements today.
But, there is yet to be a last war against the world. WWII was the work of the sixth head (kingdom) to establish the seventh head (kingdom) of a seven-headed beast power explained in Revelation 17. But soon to appear will be the eighth head (kingdom), which must necessarily require another world war. That final war of wars will destabilize the last remnants of Noah’s old world order to establish the brave new world of the eighth kingdom, the kingdom of perdition.
“The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition…. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” (Rev. 17:8,10).
Five kingdoms were fallen.... The time reference for this vision speaks to the point when the beast was left in the wilderness as seen in Revelation 12:15, 16, i.e. after Providence opened up America, delivering the persecuted church of the wilderness from the beast’s flood of water, i.e. its Jesuit Counter-Reformation all out offensive to utterly eradicate the Protestant Reformation. Thus, Satan designed the five kingdoms to progressively bring back Nimrod’s ancient satanic apostasy to full restoration. Those five empires were the Neo-Babylonian, the Medo-Persian, the pagan Greek and Roman, and the Holy Roman.
The sixth (head) kingdom would be a 150 year (the Revelation 9:5 fifth trumpet’s five prophetic months) empire of Republican-Protestant America falling progressively before the encroaching Jesuit covert army that began shortly after 1844. The five prophetic month, 150 literal year period began in 1849 at the shift of Pope Pius IX’s congenial administration from moderate to Jesuit driven ultra-Montanism. That covert Jesuit war, ending in 1999, gave rise to the short-term next seventh kingdom’s rabid movements for a Jesuit Vatican and its United Nations, in an increasingly overt war to re-establish, not an old, alcoholic Dark Ages papacy, but a clean, New Age occult, Spiritual Formation, world-dominating Jesuit papacy. More accurately, the seventh kingdom has been the reconstructing of the most venerable Nimrod apostasy that he foisted upon humanity. This attack came shortly after Noah had established the old world order of government founded upon allegiance to the Law of God and to the laws protecting His human family. Noah’s world order, founded upon family and faith in the Creator, has kept this world in relative peace. But the old righteous kingdom of familial love that Noah built up is falling before the new regime of despotic, absolute state control over every member of Adam’s children, body, mind, and soul.
All that we now await are the horrors of the eighth kingdom, the new world order of perdition.
“And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” (Rev. 17:11).
The beast with seven extra heads, plus its own most ancient head, has been ascending from the bottomless pit since 1849, surfing upon the waves of worldliness, which Protestant America sought with all its heart by the California gold rush, the oil bonanzas, the alcohol and drug trades, the power-mongering and money-getting. God has been giving apostate Protestantism what it has sought from the god of this world. Protestants preferred an easy, comfortable life rather than Jesus’ purification in preparation for His return. More and more Protestant America has spoken for the god of this world, even now speaking like the god of this world.
So there must be another world war. WWIII will be the final Jesuit jockeying for world domination, their installation of leaders in top-most positions of every national government and big business around the globe. The world’s dictators have been Jesuit led; and likewise the world’s billionaires. But the rising WWIII will be Nazism on an order never before seen or conceived of. The coming global conflict will once more be another war against humanity. It will subjugate the world populace for the “man of sin”, the “antichrist”, the “son of perdition”, who comes “after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, with all deceivableness of unrighteousness” in the perpetrators-masters of deception who will eternally perish. Despite all of their dark master’s glowing promises, the company of master deceivers will not escape the glory of Christ’s return, but will be instantaneously destroyed by His brightness. “Her hired men are in the midst of her like fatted bullocks; for they also are turned back, and are fled away together: they did not stand, because the day of their calamity was come upon them, and the time of their visitation.” (Jer. 46:21).
But, prior to Christ’s glorious day, the final masterpiece of deception will be the personal appearance of Satan himself, imitating the return of Jesus from heaven. Satan then dwelling among mankind, atrocities and carnage will once more abound, like the above photo. Satan, more vehemently than Nimrod, the ogre of old, will provoke the worst evils in the global human nature to be expressed against their dominating Nimrod Jesuit hosts. The Jesuit papacy will then be 1000 times more unconscionable and ruthless than in former ages. It is the time of judgment upon godless America and its godless world.
Covid-19 and Covid-delta are signs of the approaching finale of the ancient beast that has already ascended from hell and is making its last preparations to go into perdition to drag the whole of humanity down after him. What will the scarlet beast’s perdition look like? It will be a Hitler SS empire on steroids. All the violence, atrocities, pagan resurgence with papal backing, all that made our past hundred years a miserable and a God-forsaken period, will be seen in magnified vigor and ruin of the human soul.
We, the Protestants, turned away from the only true God. We desired our carnal natures over His divine nature. We broke the covenant that our Reformation forefathers made with Him. We no longer deserve the government of peace that Protestantism provided to America, and through America to the rest of the world. Therefore, it all must go away—all of our rights of property and person, all of our civil and religious liberty. Our hearts and even our bodies will belong to the Vatican enemy from the Dark Ages. Look around. The beast is back and with a vengeance to regain everything that Protestantism took from it in 1517 and 1776.
The eighth head, the Trinitarian, necromancing, original Nimrod empire for Satan, ascended from the bottomless pit shortly after the apostle John passed. It received Imperial support at the Nicene Council in AD 325, and reigned supreme for 1,260 years beginning in AD 538 after the routing of the Ostrogoths. The Vatican’s deadly wound, which the Reformation sword of the Spirit gave it, is healed.
The final beast will no longer resemble Greco-Roman philosophy but, raw, rank spiritualism, and carnal worship to the most ancient familiar spirit, Ashtoreth, Mother Earth, Mother Guia. This Magna Mater, Queen of heaven will be supported by a rabid, malignant, gestapo Nazi empire that simulates the violence of its master, Baal. All the world leaders will be joined to this government-society with the universal Church overseeing it all, feeding the government-society the false hopes and lying doctrines that they desire, “with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made dunk with the wine of her fornication.” (Rev. 17:2).
In mass confusion and mayhem Satan will rule over the minds of mankind, keeping them from finding any faith in God. “Surely in the floods of great waters they shall no come nigh unto Him.” (Psa. 32:6). When the Son of man comes in power and glory, He will not find faith in the earth. All around dense darkness will cover the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people. Only a very small, holy elite that early on prepared for this very, end-time perdition will be fortified by the redeeming love and faith of the only-begotten Son of God.
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