"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. 5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment wasas the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." (Rev. 9:1-6).
"Earlier this week, the embassy co-hosted with the Pontifical Gregorian University – the university in Rome run by the Jesuits – an event to commemorate the bicentenary of the decision by Pope Pius VII to re-establish the Society of Jesus in 1814, 41 years after its suppression by Pope Clement XIV. This was much more than an historical event. The Jesuits continue to play a crucial role in the global Catholic Church, as they have since their foundation in 1540. As I noted in my brief speech, Jesuits have been at the heart of modern Catholic thinking, especially since the Second Vatican Council in 1965, leaders on ecumenism and freedom of religion, on poverty and indigenous rights, in educational and cultural developments. Not least, we have for the first time a Pope who was formed in the Jesuit tradition, and was the Jesuit Provincial Superior in Argentina during the 1970s.
Other speakers introduced us to the world of Ignatian spirituality and Jesuit history. Interestingly, it was the Catholic powers of Europe that pushed the Pope to suppress the Order, in the 18th century, while non-Catholic powers – Russia, Prussia and Britain – provided protection (both active and indifferent) during the 41 years out of favour. Stonyhurst College was established in Lancashire at that time, and Jesuits were able to teach and form a community there when it was forbidden for them to do so in Catholic Europe, while Heythrop College in London not long ago celebrated 400 years of continuous activity. This is rather an irony given the unwelcome reception given to Jesuit missionaries to England, Wales and Scotland, many of whom became martyrs, during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James VI and I. Whether 1814 saw restoration of the old Society of Jesus, or a new revival springing phoenix-like from the ashes, remains hotly debated by church historians.
Prejudices die hard. “Jesuitical” is a word still occasionally used in the English speaking world to describe people who dissemble or equivocate, and is defined as such in the Oxford English Dictionary. I have also heard it used as a synonym for cunning, even in describing the Pope. Jesuits are certainly taught to think clearly and systematically, and to reach decisions after careful discernment, which makes them formidable allies and tough opponents in an argument. Few Jesuits, least of all Pope Francis, will be dwelling on their history as they address contemporary realities with which they have to deal. But knowing where you have come from always helps an understanding of where you are going.
- Their restoration to world domination has been like, and surely will continue to be like "a new revival springing phoenix-like from the ashes". Or, more like the way Revelation portrays them, like devouring locusts ascending out of the bottomless pit, i.e. hell, and going into perdition, G684 apoleia, "damnable, pernicious, destruction" of the world.
- "Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it." (Isa. 5:14).
- The restoration of the Jesuit order in 1814 has brought the same plagues to the world that they brought during their first introduction to the world. It's not unrighteous prejudice that still remains in the minds of a small percentage of this generation. But fearful nightmares of a most assured repeat of the past.
- That generation of 1814 well knew the dangers that presented themselves. John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson, "This society [Jesuits] has been a greater calamity to mankind than the French Revolution, or Napoleon's despotism or ideology. It has obstructed the progress of reformation and the improvement of the human mind in society much longer and more fatally."
- https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/american-jesuits-worldThe nineteenth century was a period of extraordinary growth for the Society, but many of us know little about that history. Worse, we have mistaken assumptions. Because of the influence of Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe (1965–83), many think of the order as broad-minded, committed to social justice, and fairly progressive. While that assessment might have some credibility today, in the nineteenth century the Society was very different.
- Some background first. The Society of Jesus founded in 1540 was suppressed by papal decree in 1773. Literally overnight this forced twenty-three thousand Jesuits out of their eight hundred schools and hundreds of other apostolic projects. Many were sent into exile or to prison. The story is a sad one indeed. In 1814 the Jesuits were restored and within a hundred years they had seventeen-thousand members.
- ..... First, after the restoration, Jesuits were naturally loyal to the papacy, becoming significant supporters of Pope Pius IX (1846–1878). In 1850, after a two-year political exile from Rome, Pius returned and urged the Jesuits to establish a new journal, Civiltà Cattolica. The journal soon became the most influential Catholic publication combatting the heterodox ideas proliferating not only across the continent but throughout the world. Subsequently, Jesuits assisted Pius in writing the 1854 declaration on the Immaculate Conception, the 1864 Syllabus of Errors, and the 1870 declaration on papal infallibility. Their fealty extended to Pope Leo XIII (1878–1903), who called on them 'to defend the church and the Roman pontificate.'"
For many years I have seen the Revelation trumpets as being fulfilled post 1844. I tagged this fifth trumpet locust scourge with the jesuits because I had read of their tenacious, sordid, unconscionable, and ruthless history. And because I had learned of the great changes to Protestant America that the 1849 Gold Rush brought, and because that event was simultaneous with the Sabbath Conferences, I tied fifth trumpet blowing with the California gold rush.
The previous four trumpets then symbolized 1) the Protestant churches rejecting the heavenly sanctuary, then 2) their rejecting the Sabbath reform by abrogating the whole Law, then 3) their hearts becoming poisoned by spiritualism, and finally 4) being cut off from divine light and losing the position of the light to the world.
Years after ending the fifth trumpet in 1999 (5 prophetic month, 150 literal years) after the 1849 gold rush, and much personal consternation over the obvious historic marker that opened that period but no obvious event closing it, the Lord helped me see the event marking the close of the fifth trumpet--the stock market gold rush of the late 1990s ending at the last quarter of 1999.
Later, more evidence is coming that events within the Jesuit order stepped up their drive to conquer Protestantism and everything that makes America non- Catholic.
It all must go: Protestants' Constitution Bill of Rights that gives people personal, unalienable, God-given rights; the wall that separates church and state; the national treasury that would forever be independent of international bankers; the strong middle class, the strong small business infrastructure, and the strong indomitable economy that resulted; the satisfaction and joy and peace that reigned in the only free nation in the world; and the irresistable appeal to the rest of the world to have the same thing. It all must go if the religious and political despot of the world could make a comeback.
The revolutionary war and the war of 1812 couldn't overthrow the blessing God brought to the world against the powers of hell. So a "Holy" Alliance was made with the monarchs of Europe, and the Jesuits were chosen as the only force that could weaken and overturn the strength of Protestantism, the Bible, and its faith, purity, honesty, holiness, joy, peace, etc. As ancient Israel could not be cursed except by being tempted to abandon their holy God and obedience to His righteous laws, so has Protestant America.
And here we are now, having abandoned our holy religion, our faith in our Creator, obedience to His laws, love for His word. We are prepared for the slaughter.
But if Levicus 26:40-38-42 and Habakkuk 1:12 mean precious promises whereby we might be partakers of the divine nature, then we can be assured that God isn't yet done with Adventism and our beloved brethren in Protestantism.
The fifth and, of late, the sixth trumpet, have run over us and laid us wasted. We must admit to that, yes even us Adventists, but Providence still has a war to win over Satan and his earthly organization. They will make a new "holy" alliance with the kings of the earth, per Revelation 17:12-14, and it will be a terrible ordeal, but the Jesuit Vatican and we also need to be made aware that it will only last one hour.
All who will be humbled among the Protestants by not joining in a militia to resist the Jesuit Vatican-UN armies, but will learn surrender and perfect dependence on Jesus, will be strengthened to arise from their desolation. They will hear the beautiful voice sounding in their ears, "Come up hither."(Rev. 11:12).
They will sit in heavenly places in Christ, having a communion never before known to them. They will have what the apostolic church had, and will go forth taking down all the spiritual strongholds of Babylon. The great whore will fall and all her new world order that didn't last long enough to exterminate the 144,000 and the innumerable multitudes that received the everlasting gospel, who "were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven." (Rev.11:13).
Then Michael the great Prince, who ever lives to make intercession for us, will deliver His people.