Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The spreading abomination of desolation

Maybe soon I will be considered a terrorist because I have warned of the approaching Jesuit papacy, Jesuit New World Order, and Jesuit New Age/world religion/ethnic pagan culture world. I have used this blog to help people see the signs of the new Jesuit controlled world.

We need to watch for more than the weather and nature to fully obey Jesus’ command,

“Take heed that no man deceive you.” (Matt. 24:4).


“For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left His house, and gave authority to His servants, and to every man His work, and commanded the porter to watch.
Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the Master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
Lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping.
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” (Mark 13:34-37).

We need to study Bible prophecy and see the prophecies being fulfilled in our day, right before our eyes.

The Jesuit papacy is the Revelation 17 eighth head of the Beast power that ascends from the bottomless pit of Hades and goes into perdition. It is the grand finale of Satan’s attempt to restore the great apostasy that occurred in the years following Noah’s deliverance from the worldwide flood. Ham, Cush, and Nimrod created a 180° reversal of the righteous government that Noah established in the new world.

Noah labored to form a world that would never again be destroyed by God. But, not everyone was surrendered to God and His Law. A reaction took place. Out of that reaction were born the basest iniquity and debauchery, prostitution and slavery, dictatorial empires and crimes of the state, necromancy and spiritualism, idolatrous nature worship. Ham, Cush, Nimrod, and his wife Semiramis resurrected all that caused the earth’s destruction, which was everything we read in Romans 1:21-32, 2Tim. 3:1-5, Galatians 5:19-21.

Those last three lengthy texts can be condensed into one,

“Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.” (Eph. 4:18,19).

Read these texts and you will know what is coming to this worldlegalized or legislated lawlessness, lawlessness on steroids. Are you interested? It will be the strong delusion that will make part of the 8 billion people decide to go with the Lord all the way, or throw themselves into the circus atmosphere. It is no wonder Isaiah prophesied, “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people.” (Isa. 60:2). The Bible says that most of the 8 billion will go head or heels, or will go along without a fight. Which way will we go?

This is the perdition that the eighth head of the Beast power brings up from the bottomless pit. This eighth head is the original head of the Beastthe empire of Nimrod. In the long ago, it received a wound by a sword, that is, the sword of Shem. And like the sword of the Bible and of Napoleon, which wounded the second edition of Nimrod’s departure from truth, that is, that wounded the Roman papacy, the sword that wounded the first departure was more than Shem’s physical, state sword. That sword also carried the authority of the Lord God who put Noah on the throne of the world. Noah was heavens authorized viceroy of Christ, not Ham, Cush, or Nimrod. 

Both spiritual and carnal swords were the instruments of Providence to crush the serpent’s head. but, it came back to life. The first edition of the Beast returned to power in Imperial Rome because Israel failed to spread the righteousness of Jehovah around the world. Instead they got caught up in worshiping the first edition of the Beast along with the heathen nations. Maybe you know where I am going with this thread. 

Yes, the second edition has returned to life and power again. It was loosed from its imprisonment in the bottomless pit in 1849 during the fifth trumpet of the seventh seal. And, once again the people of God, the Protestant churches—Protestant America has failed to stop its resurgence from its prison. The churches, Protestant and Adventist movements, like the ancient people of God, Israel and Judah, have been unable to stop the Beast’s second and final resurgence. Why the failure?

Because you can’t kill something you worship. Both groups have gotten caught up in worshiping the Beast’s pagan celebration, its praise music, its cheap grace doctrine, and its Spiritual Formation piety. Isn’t that what the people of God are doing today in the Protestant and Adventist churches? Maybe the eighth head is already here? Are we going to go along with the eighth Beast head with the rest of the 8 billion people? Or resist? Are we sure we’ll resist it, if we we'll been worshiping the Beast for so long? We need the grace of God to start resisting now. We need much ingestion of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. We need to know Jesus.

The seven heads of the Beast are extra heads that have the Beast’s religion and dictatorial state, and thus the Beast’s spirit. These are the empires around the Mediterranean (Middle of the earth) Sea, and have been used by Satan to keep his place in the fundamental thinking of humanity. The seven heads are ancillary heads to the Beast. The eighth head is the original head described as, “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” (Rev. 17:8).

That eighth head is the Beast power that joins all the kings of the earth together at the very end.

“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” (Rev. 17:12-14).

So here is an article from SDA pastor, Hal Mayer. It is why I’m wondering how much longer I’ll have this blog.

“FBI Wants Tech to Track Social Media for Criminals and Terrorists
Tuesday August 20th, 2019

Raw Conservative Opinions, by Brandi Vincent: The Federal Bureau of Investigations aims to acquire access to a ‘social media early alerting tool’ that will help insiders proactively and reactively monitor how terrorist groups, foreign intelligence services, criminal organizations and other domestic threats use networking platforms to further their illegal efforts, according to a request for a proposal amended this week.

‘With increased use of social media platforms by subjects of current FBI investigations and individuals that pose a threat to the United States, it is critical to obtain a service which will allow the FBI to identify relevant information from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms in a timely fashion,’ the agency said in the RFP.

‘Consequently, the FBI needs near real-time access to a full range of social media exchanges in order to obtain the most current information available in furtherance of its law enforcement and intelligence missions.’

Though the request was initially released on July 8, the FBI amended it this week to extend the relevant dates: The agency’s answers to vendors moved from July 25 to Aug. 7, and the proposal due date shifted from Aug. 8 to Aug. 27. Though the original proposal listed the anticipated award date as Aug. 30, it could be pushed back due to these changes.

Still, the proposal comes at a time when society is growing accustomed to the painful reality of the weaponization of social media outlets to cause harm. Earlier this year, a mass shooter in New Zealand opened fire at two mosques killing 50 people and injuring many more – he posted a 74-page manifesto and images of his weapons online ahead of the attack and livestreamed the shooting directly on Facebook Live. And the shooter who killed three people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California Sunday also previously posted online about an 1890 racist manifesto, which has been deemed a ‘staple among neo-Nazis and white supremacists on extremist sites.’

‘It is an acknowledged fact that virtually every incident and subject of FBI investigative interest has a presence online,’ the bureau said in the project’s statement of objectives.
‘The mission critical exploitation of social media enables the Bureau to proactively detect, disrupt, and investigate an ever growing diverse range of threats.’

The FBI ultimately wants an interactive tool that can be accessed by all headquarters
division and field office personnel via web browsers and through multiple devices. Interested vendors should have the capabilities to offer the agency the ability to set filters around the specific content they see, send immediate and custom alerts and notifications around ‘mission-relevant’ incidents, have broad international reach and a strong language translation capability and allow for real-time geolocation-based monitoring that can be refined as events develop.

And when it comes to specific persons-of-interest and suspects already involved in open investigations, the bureau wants the ability to obtain their full-scope social media profiles from across the various platforms and insights into their affiliations with various groups across the world wide web.

‘Items of interest in this context are social networks, user IDs, emails, IP addresses and
telephone numbers, along with likely additional accounts with similar IDs or aliases,’ the agency said. . . .

Our Comment:

Surveillance was a feature of Jezebel’s war on the sons of the prophets. In fact, every government that persecutes a sector of society has used surveillance to detect individuals from that particular sector. This FBI proposal is preparing the way for persecution against God’s people.

Prophetic Link:

‘For it was so, when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.’ 1 Kings 18:4.”

Dear faithful blog readers, time is short.

We need much prayer for conviction of sin, and we need repentance. We need to know Jesus and His love and patience with weak and sinful people. We need to know the Jesus who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities. We need to take our corrected conception of His love and mercy, and help others in their misconceptions of Jesus and the Father. And we need to give up on Nimrod’s evil partnership with the Trinity god. We need to have fellowship with the Father and His only begotten Son Godhead. (See my blog, Semi-Arian Sabbatarian, and go to SDA pastor Nader Mansour, www.revelation1412.org.)

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