Samantha, I thank God for
your faith, and I thank you, too, for being willing to receive the gift of
heaven. But, I want to warn everyone that the seven year secret rapture idea,
which is so popular today, is not biblical. It is a very dishonest and deceitful
handling of the word of God. It truncates the 70 week prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 and runs off in a man-made theory.
Everything in those verses speaks of the year Jesus would come as Messiah
Prince, and no Bible writers ever reused that for the last days. Rather,
Revelation 1:7 says that every eye will see Jesus at His return and Revelation 6:13 shows people running for the mountains
to fall on them. Matthew 24:31 agrees with Revelation 6:13. 2 Peter 3:10 says that the heat will melt the earth
and the works that are therein. There is no mention in the whole Bible that
there will be another second advent that no one sees. Its the perfect set-up
for total confusion.
Nothing in scripture
describes this modern eschatology that our Reformation forefathers never knew.
That’s because this new idea was dreamed up by our Reformation fathers’ enemy,
the Jesuits and it was an attempt at disinformation in the Counter-Reformation
that reinterpreted the Antichrist as somebody other than the corrupt,
persecuting papal hierarchy. The Reformers correctly called the Church the
Antichrist, and multitudes were flocking to the Protestant churches to hear the
holy gospel. Then this new teaching was made to stop the Church’s hemorrhaging,
and to point the finger of accusation to the distant future--”There is no
Antichrist today, he will show up just before Jesus returns.”
It somewhat worked, but it
took a long time, and different attempts by the Jesuits, before the Protestants
would latch onto it. But, since the 1970s and the book, Late, Great Planet
Earth, by Hal Lindsey, it has really taken hold. However, it is no more
biblical than in the 1590s when Francisco Ribera invented “futurism”. See
But, having said that, I also
believe that there is the capability to create a secret rapture hoax. We know
that God will send a strong delusion and allow Satan to take the whole world
captive to the Beast, which was the papacy in the Dark Ages and which has today
returned to life and great popularity and authority, just like in the Dark
Ages. The Church is not as helpless and vulnerable as it pretends. And it has
never repented for its aggravated assault on Bible loving Christians for over
1,000 years in the past; therefore it will repeat that terrible past. The
Vatican is the little horn power of Daniel 8:10-12, and the woman of Revelation 17:1-5
that rides the beast. And Revelation 17:15 says that the beast is the world that
the Vatican controls (see also Revelation 13:3,4).
This hoax will seem
completely real, just like Orsen Wells’ 1937 Martian landing. It will be as
believable as the official story of 9/11. The media will be the powerful tool
to make this hoax happen. Please don’t be fooled. Study your Bible more on this
subject. Let Jesus give you objective, unprejudiced eyes. You have a precious
experience with Him, as does your commenters, and many others. Look and see
that there is only one second advent of Jesus, “the Son of man sitting on the
right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” (Matt. 26:64).
I say this because I don’t
want you to get caught up in the mass confusion that will be everywhere when
the “secret rapture” happens and you and many other precious, repentant,
born-again Christians are “left behind”, along with hundreds of millions of
church people, “just persons which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7, cf Rev.
Love you, sister.
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