My comment on a YouTube piece
that called the beast the United Nations entitled, “WE HAVE BEEN FOOLED - The
Antichrist Is Already In Full Control Of Earth”:
I agree with several of you
that the first beast of Revelation 13 is as the Reformers said it, the papacy.
The papacy is the anti-christ, which has always been against the Bible, the
Christ of the Bible, and everyone who studied the Bible, loved the truth of
Christ in the Bible, and lived and died by the Bible. The anti-christ is
against Christ and for the great enemy of Christ, the devil. As with Babylon,
the papacy is Mystery Babylon, which is why it is so hard to nail down. The
devil is a mastermind of complex religious, banking, government, military
systems. All who have gone into his mazes never come back out. The “eyes like
the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great words”, or “great things and
blasphemies” (Dan. 7:8; Rev. 13:5) indicate wisdom, the wisdom of the serpent
who said, “ye shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:4)--the deepest occult. This is the son
of perdition, and when the Vatican arises and “goeth into perdition” it will
sweep the whole world into perdition with it. It is even now growing into the
power it had during its persecuting supremacy of the Dark Ages, restoring
everything it lost. And Protestant America, the false prophet, is aiding the
Vatican to rebuild the old despotic power. “When the leading churches of the
United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in
common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their
institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman
hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will
inevitably result.” The Great Controversy,
(Ellen G. White, 1888) p. 445. “Through the two great errors, the immortality
of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his
deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter
creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will
be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of
spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman
power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will
follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience.” The Great Controversy, p. 445. A week
and a half ago (Halloween) the leaders of Protestantism reached across the
abyss to clasp hands with the Roman Power. Through the Vatican’s Spiritual
Formation the Protestant churches are stretching their hands across the gulf to
grasp the hand of spiritualism. Surely Satan has already ascended from the
bottomless pit (the abyss) to torment and kill every conscience and every heart
not perfect toward Jesus. Only the mind that is fortified with truth and grace
will stand through the last great delusion.
“A week and a half ago
(Halloween) the leaders of Protestantism reached across the abyss to clasp
hands with the Roman Power. Through the Vatican’s Spiritual Formation the
Protestant churches are stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the
hand of spiritualism.” I should add that the Protestant churches’ abolishing of
God’s Law is lawlessness, and the word for “perdition” is “lawlessness”. Satan
is the “son of lawlessness” because he hates God’s Law. The Protestant churches’
abolition of the Law of God is what makes them “the false prophet”, as Balaam
was. It gives them the same spirit that the anti-christ has, and is why both
speak like the dragon. Halloween was actually 2 1/2 weeks ago. It was also the
celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. It was the
signing of a treaty with Rome that said that “we are sorry we every caused the
papacy damage by preaching the gospel. We promise to never do it again”. The
treaty said that “the Reformation was a big mistake. Please forgive us, the
Protestant denominations. We now all agree on the corruptions of Christianity
by the great Church of Rome and her deepest occult that is covered with the
thinnest veneer of Christianity-and all for peace on earth.” And immediately
the Jesuits had another shooting spree against Protestant Americans. A few days
ago another shooting spree, all to make it appear that Protestants are the
aberration of the world and their Reformation was the cause of it all. We are
learning that we should have never called the first beast of Revelation 13 the
Roman Catholic Church, “the Mother of abominations in the earth” and “the
anti-christ”. And for that we are paying dearly. The shooting sprees will never
end until our Protestant Constitution is no more and enough human sacrifices
satisfy the devil “‘for without the shedding of blood no man can be saved’”-
(The Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction
I wrote, “Only the mind that is fortified with truth and grace, as it is in
Jesus, will stand through the last great delusion” And I must add, “the
tribulation that comes with it.” Everyone who continues to call the Vatican the
beast, as the Reformers called it, will be called a cult, a heretic, a
terrorist, the devil incarnate, etc. But, the Lord preempted all that with His
wonderful promise, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and
be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they
the prophets which were before you.” (Matt. 5:11,12).
(My preceding comment was
partially lined out.)
I’m not sure why the
line-outs happened, but it didn’t come from me. what I wrote still stands: “...And
immediately the Jesuits had another shooting spree against Protestant
Americans. Two days ago another shooting spree, all to make it appear that
Protestants are the aberration of the world and their Reformation was the cause
of it all. We are learning that we should have never called the first beast of
Revelation 13 the Roman Catholic Church, “the Mother of abominations in the
earth” and “the anti-christ”. And for that we are paying dearly. The shooting
sprees will never end until our Protestant Constitution is no more and enough
human sacrifices satisfy the devil ‘“‘for without the shedding of blood no man
can be saved’”’- (The Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction”
Let me also say that when the Jesuits orchestrate the secret rapture
(disappearance of people and planes falling to earth) and hundreds of millions
of Americans believe that they were left behind after all of their
church-going, they will be ready to obey everything their religious leaders
tell them. They will be beyond reason. And when the last half of the seven year
tribulation period sees a president who goes from the nicest contribution to
the meanest dictator then everyone who believed in the secret rapture/seven
year tribulation scenario, as opposed to the biblical truth of Rome being
behind all the delusions, will have only one choice but to exalt the Church of
Rome and enforce her decrees.
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