Saturday, October 29, 2016

By Pastor Hal Mayer on Oct 28, 2016 01:30 am

A new state law in Massachusetts prohibits discrimination against transgender people in public restrooms even in churches. The new law “punishes” churches and pastors, claims a conservative Christian organization in a lawsuit. Alliance Defending Freedom, based in Scottsdale, Arizona, said it sued on behalf of four Massachusetts churches to protect their right to operate their facilities “in a manner that doesn’t violate their core religious beliefs.” The new law, which went into effect in October, bars discrimination against transgender people in public accommodations. Among other things, it allows people to use the bathrooms or locker rooms that correspond with their gender identities, not their biological sex.
The state believes that churches are places of public accommodation and therefore must come under the law. The ADF contends that churches, like other public places will also have to open shower facilities and restrooms to transgender people.
The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination apparently intends “to force churches and pastors to refrain from religious expression regarding sexuality that conflicts with the government’s views.”
“Neither the commission nor the attorney general has the constitutional authority to dictate how any church uses its facility or what public statements a church can make concerning a deeply held religious belief, such as human sexuality,” said attorney Steve O’Ban, senior counsel for ADF.
“We are pleased that we finally have a law in place that protects transgender people from discrimination in public places, said Maura Healey, the state attorney general.
The race to the bottom continues unabated as America becomes more and more absurd in the adoption and application of so-called “equality laws.”

Can we call this persecution? Should we cry harrassment? I think often the cry of persecution sounds like a whine. But, is this not an attack, a deliberate attack on Protestantism, the heretics? Not only is it an attack on heretic Protestant public places, but most certainly it is an attack on heretic Protestant places of worship. The Protestant assemblies of worship must conform to a non-Protestant government, which has transformed from a solemn and free Republic to a reckless Democracy (and soon to become a totalitarian Dictatorship). 

Some voices are blaming the churches’ choice for 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. I believe the target is much deeper and broader than that. Every Protestant church must be corrupted and brought to ruin. They must answer to the description of Revelation 18:2 and Jeremiah 5:27. Protestant America is going down, all the way to the lobby, starting with its morality and ending with its economic besiegement. Nothing of Constitutional, Protestant America will be considered too sacred to bring to ruin. Look back not even a century to heretic Protestant Germany. Protestant America is reliving an identical scenario. We must view our future through the glasses of hindsight; that is, if we have the spiritual fortitude. Where did the early 1920s’ partying and sexual depravity take Germany? A depression and a dictatorship? The raising up of another eldest son of the Church to fight her battles for her, another inquisition against millions of heretics both in Protestant Germany and in Protestant America?

Today, in what direction are the devisers of the previous inquisition driving Protestant America? To another world-wide 1929-style depression and a successful world-conquering dictatorship. Not by an individual, but by the dictates of another Roman Senate. What the Jesuits didn’t succeed at through a German Hitler they will accomplish through an American presidency. Nationality means nothing to the god of this world, or to his favored earthly agency. Which nation they make into a world subjugating power makes no difference to his agency, because that earthly agency is a-national. They have no king but Satan. They are the locusts which ascended from the bottomless pit, as we see in the fifth and sixth trumpets. Their purpose has been to torment the Protestants in every respect—spiritually, morally, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Especially is the spirituality affected. When faith in its Creator is destroyed, the human slips in every other aspect of existence. When the Lawgiver can no longer direct the heart through conviction of sin and the arousing of repentance in the conscience, no redemption heals the soul and gives rebirth to life and happiness and health. A society, an empire, devoid of redemption will always and forever cave in on itself. No love from above leaves the citizens forced to love from an unredeemed heart. The best that it can bring forth is platonic, unless the spiritual blessing of our Creator continue because of the past obedience by humbled forefathers.

But, “the Spirit of grace and of supplications” (Zech. 12:10) is being withdrawn from Protestantism, and our spiritual blessings passed down from the obedience of the Reformers and the victims of the Counter-Reformation have well-nigh vanished. Next year will host a greatly televised reconciliation between Protestants and the Vatican. Soon after that God will touch the Protestant economic might and strike it down. The Protestant government of America will repudiate every one of the principles from its holy Constitution. The last threads of its tattered guarantee of freedom will be thrown out.

And the Protestant America did it to themselves. As it is plainly displayed in the Protestants’ own Bible, whenever Israel fled Jehovah for Baal they suffered the loss of Jehovah’s protection. So have the Protestants left Jehovah for Catholicism and will suffer the loss of Jehovah’s temporal protection and His spiritual blessings. Finally, to punish His people Jehovah raised up Babylon, the origin of the world-wide wicked service to Bel, or Baal. Protestants, likewise, left their holy religion for worldliness and a faked service to the God of their fathers. Today, the Spiritual Exercises of Jesuit Ignatius Loyola, which have for centuries turned men into demons, has moved into Protestant religious practice. Celebration worship filled with grace-only sermons, instead of Bible study for conviction of sin and heaven’s gift of repentance, will end in our complete undoing.

“For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.
They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.” (Jer. 6:13-15).

Valid heart-searching and real pleading to God for obedience to His Law will lead to an open door for the Spirit of truth to enter deadened Protestant consciences. Repentance, confession of sin to God who alone can forgive, revival, and reformation, are America’s only hope.

Jesus will be near everyone who in desperation follows the biblical method to His Father—the Law of God and conviction of sin. And Jesus’ promise will be: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.” (Jer. 6:16). Rather than being “subject to the Law of God” (Rom. 8:7) and having His Law written in the Protestant heart, Spiritual Formation makes a heart empty of the Law's strong conviction of sin the tabernacle for “God”. Then “God”, who is really a familiar spirit ,can lead an army of devotees to believe anti-biblical sentiments. Those deluded Protestants find everything they knew from the Bible ingeniously reversed. The old biblical mores fall before the new do-as-you-please religion and laws of the land. The newly defined heretics in the new religion of the land are everyone who loves to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

“They were as fed horses in the morning: every one neighed after his neighbour’s wife. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: and shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this?” (Jer. 5:8,9).

“As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich.
They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge.
Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this?
A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land;
The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” (Jer. 5:27-31).

They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.” (Jer. 6:14). Through false religion, ever so subtely the old nation that was built upon the spilled blood of patriots for the Bible and total disconnection from Rome is changed to a nation killing patriots of the Bible and of freedom. Then Jehovah wipes it off the face of the earth at His second advent.
“Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, I will melt them, and try them; for how shall I do for the daughter of My people?...
Shall I not visit them for these things? saith the LORD: shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this?” (Jer. 9:7,9).

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