Sandra’s testimony included a
plea to her people to leave Islam. But, Revelation seems clearly saying that
the Roman power to our day has been controlling world events the past 1,500
years. So I commented on her hopes of the end of persecution and abuses legalized
by Islamic teachings. So, I wrote:
“Regarding the end of Sharia
law and the deaths of so many Christians, it will not stop until Jesus comes
through the clouds in prophetic figure riding a white horse at the head of the
armies of heaven. Islam is not the Beast or the false prophet of Revelation 13
and 19. The Vatican is the Beast and also the woman that rides it, both
together indicating state and religion powers combined (but with religion
ruling the state).
Yet, although Islam is not
the Beast, Islam is joined with the Vatican. The Vatican worked with Muhammad
to form a religious power to persecute the born-again Christians in the Middle
East. Just like the Vatican created the Bolshevik revolution to kill the
Orthodox Christians, and the Nazi powers to kill the Protestants of Europe and
America. But, Catholicism was protected. Today, in Islam-controlled countries
Catholic churches are the only Christian sect that is allowed to operate. And
the Muslims pray with the Catholic rosary beads, they have shrines to John the
Baptist, and there exists other similarities between the two religions.
The plague of world religions
that we are seeing is not so much extremist fundamentalism spreading across the
globe, but rather religio-political dictatorships, even if the dictators don’t
look like Adolf Hitlers and Joseph Stalins. Old customary appearances remain in
tact to hide the totalitarian persecution and the lock down of the people’s
liberty. Thus, because religion and religious customs are made to look like the
problem in the world, dictatorships rule the nations without any suspicions or
UN condemnations. When America fought for its freedom, England was allied with
Rome to rein in the Protestant power in the American colonies.
England should have honored
freedom to its people because it had been Protestant and the King James Bible
of Protestant England says, ‘Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit
of the Lord is, there is liberty.’ (2Cor. 3:17). But, being dictatorial is what
always happens to any government and religion when Satan uses the Church of
Rome to get into that government and religion to use it to destroy the nation’s
freedoms that come with obedience to Christ. This explains the whole religion
of Islam and the countries that it has subjugated.
Revelation 13 says that the
dragon (Satan) gave the Beast its power and throne and great authority. But, then
verse 11 of that prophecy shows a second beast rising up, which starts meekly
and innocently with two horn (powers) of lamb. But, later the second beast
speaks like the dragon and builds another world power that replicates the Beast
papacy of the Dark Ages with all of its persecuting power. We are seeing this
warlike power rising up today, and it isn’t Islam and ISIS. Protestant America
is the second beast/false prophet that does the bidding of Rome to rebuild the
old totalitarian papacy. Islam is only the decoy.
America is the false prophet,
which deserted its original Bible-based stance a long time ago, and on this
past Halloween its Protestant denominations signed a holy alliance with the
Church of Rome, just like England and the monarchies of Europe did 200 years
ago. Nothing good can come out of that ‘holy’ alliance. Soon we will hear the
United States speak for the dragon like we’ve never seen yet. It will repudiate
ever principle of its Constitution, and will unite church and state. It has
already been fighting a holy war during the past 15 years. And soon it will
subjugate the world for the Vatican.
Sorry for such a long
comment, but Sandra’s concern was Islam, and I felt she needs to see what power
is really behind Islam. It’s the Holy Father of the Roman See.”